Tuesday 28 June 2011

Chinese earthquake...

On the 12th May 2008 at 14:28, one of the most devestating earthquakes took place. Killing millions it swept over China. Crushing buildings and demoloshing homes, the earthquake caused lots of damage. The damage cost over $25 million. Rescue teams from all over the world to help out but the damage on the roads that the earthquake had caused ment that emergancy services couldnt get in and out. The most devastating thing is that 38,000 children were killed and 29,00 were missing. Most of them were orpahans but many of them might be when they get found as there parents might have got killed. Also, the earthquake caused a lot of damage for garmers as 60 million pigs died which means they will have lost money because they wont have meat/animals to sell. Because of the earthquake, China will have lost a lot of money. Also, broken water pipes underground burst which caused fires and they spread across China causing even more deaths. The earthquake caused millions of deasths and because of that, China had three national dasys of mourning.

This photo shows some of the damage caused...

This photo shows how big the earthqauke was and where it spread...

This photo shows innocent people getting crushed by collapsed buildings...

Now you can see all the loss and damage caused by this earthquake and hopefully you will see how lucky you are to live in a safe place. Hopefully, a earthquake like this one will never happen where we live or anywhere else...

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