Thursday 16 June 2011

Where is China?

China is in Eastern Asia. It is a really big country and consisits of many cities. North of China is Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world, covering 17.1 million square kilometre. Extending nearly halfway around the northern hemisphere and covering much of eastern and north-eastern Europe as well as the whole of northern Asia. On some maps of China, Russia looks a small country but that is because they dont show the whole of it.

Kirgizstan and Kazakhstan are west of China. They are big countrys and spread near China. Kazakhstan is next to Mongolia which is below Russia.

Yunnan, Vienam, Laos and Myannmar ar south of China. They are fairly big countrys. Yunnan spreads over china as you can see in the picture above. Vienam is just next to Yunnan and ends just next to China. Myanmar is the isnt as close to China as the other countrys. Of corse, it is near it. Infact it is below China but the other countrys are just above it.

Beijing is the capital of China. The olympic games were held there in 2008 and many people went there and many competed. As you can see on the map above, Beijing is in the North East of China.

Shanghai is a city in China. It is in the east of China. In Shanghai, there is lots of traditional Chinese foods. It is near the East China Sea.

The East and South China sea are the seas in China, They are in the East and South and that is how they got there name.

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